Since many who ask what is a blog, so far as practicable, I just write down here the basic info for beginners blog. This paper is based on the perspective of technology blogs that I look back now rapidly growing interest not only among laymen, but also start reaching into the intellectual and academic circles as well as Indonesian celebrities. Abroad, the blog has developed since long. We are the likes lag.
1. What is a blog?
Blog is a personal site. Unlike the websitesof each post who have difficulty using code extension. Html. Php,. Asp, etc, the blog is the automation of all extensions TSB. So because it is automated, so we-we are all innocent who becomes ostosmastis technologies can post what we want just like us to post an email to friends or to the mailing list.
And because of this convenience, all the people who know the internet can create blogs or personal websites; same as dg have email. No wonder if the owners of blogs varies: ranging from domestic servants, housewives, vegetable huckster in Klewer Market, the girls 'friendly' in the market senggol, to professors and ministers.